Minimalist Closeups in the Woods

Yesterday I drove to Italy to photograph a waterfall called Fontanone Barman that's near the village of Lischiazze, Province Udine, but because we have had massive rainfalls in the past days, there was too much water to get to the waterfall.

Closeup images in the Woods - Johann Piber

So, instead of photographing a huge waterfall I had to change to plan B which was taking photos of something else. While I was thinking I suddenly saw a little green Fern growing between all the old beech leaves from the last years which were laying on the forest ground, and I remembered that my Camera had a function called "Forcus Bracketing" which I hadn't used yet.

Closeup images in the Woods - Johann Piber

Well, taking the 40 photos was fairly easy, but stacking the photos was a bit pf a problem, because Photoshop didn't do a great job. So I searched for a good Image stacking software and found Helicon Focus by HeliconSoft which comes as fully functional 30 day trial version - perfect for me and it also worked perfect on the photos as you can see here.

Closeup images in the Woods - Johann Piber
Closeup images in the Woods - Johann Piber


Closeup images in the Woods - Johann Piber

Of course, I didn't photograph only these little plants, but i have also taken a few photos of the raging river - most times a calm brook, but now a big and loud river (see my video on TikTok).

Raging River in the Woods - Johann Piber